Kenzho was just five years old when the pandemic happened in the Philippines. The young boy from the province of Aklan is already seven years old. As an only child, he spends most of his time playing with his friends. He also helps his mother with their house chores. To fully support Kenzho with his lessons, his mother Almira decided to quit her job to focus on tutoring her son and taking care of him during the pandemic. While being jobless, Almira depends on the two small businesses that she and her mother, Amy, started before the pandemic. With the help of World Vision’s Community Managed Savings and Credit Association programme, Almira has learned how to save and invest money in productive ventures.
成为儿童助养人之后,你可能常常会在想助养童是不是有读懂你写给他们的信件,或者你也可能好奇自己的奉献对他们的生活和处境改变了多少。当助养人Michelle Loh与她来自印度的助养童会面,藏在脑中的许多问题都有了答案。
全世界人们都在关注战火下的乌克兰。随着战事持续延长,乌克兰多个地区遭受惨烈的破坏,人们为了保命和安全被迫逃离家园。 许多国家的政府和普通百姓即时向乌克兰难民伸出援手,不仅慷慨奉献物质援助,也给予温暖的安慰和拥抱。事实上,依然有许多地方的难民处境十分急迫。
“水,到处都是水,却没有一滴可以喝” 这个句子改写于一首诗歌,形容即使被某种东西围绕却无法取而用之。对于有需要的孩童和社区来说,这个诗句的字面意思形容得最贴切不过。今时今日,全球约7.85亿人仍然无法获取干净水源,这相等于每十个人当中的一个人。