Lee Sinje: Lighting Up Lives With Compassion

Stories of Hope      2 min read

What are some of your reflections of the past year? For World Vision Malaysia Ambassador Lee Sinje, she’s learned to appreciate the little things and remain hopeful. Watch her three minutes video to see what she has to say:

Growing up, Sinje was no stranger to poverty - she heard a lot about how poor her mother’s family used to be. “My mom told me that if they were hungry at night, they would mix the burnt rice in the pot with sugar water and drink it,” she said. “My grandmother even recounted to me how my mom nearly died because they simply could not afford to visit the doctor.”


During her childhood however, she also witnessed her grandmother perform many selfless acts of love, such as visiting poverty-stricken families. It was from there that she saw how these acts can light up one’s life and bring hope amidst the darkness in the world.


Sinje has since continued her grandmother’s legacy of compassion, sponsoring children and visiting many of World Vision’s Area Programmes over the past 11 years. Because of sponsors like her, the most vulnerable children and communities continue to have hope even now.


“I believe that… love and unity can help us get through these tough times together.”

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