Nicholas Teo: A Journey of Sponsorship and Hope

Stories of Hope      4 min read

“It is very heartwarming to see how the child sponsorship programme has helped children in need. We ought not say that being a sponsor is such a noble thing to do, but it really is so moving to witness how their lives have been changed. We have to give ourselves a chance to help others, and give them an opportunity to take hold of a better life.”


- Nicholas Teo, World Vision child sponsor



Malaysian singer and actor Nicholas Teo has a big heart for helping vulnerable children - he has been sponsoring children since 2007. In 2010, he visited World Vision’s Ba Thuoc Area Programme in Vietnam to further understand how child sponsorship helps children and communities overcome poverty.


During his trip in Ba Thuoc, he experienced many "firsts" – the first time there was no electricity to charge his phone, the first time using a toilet with no water for flushing, the first time seeing a school that only had one classroom, and many more! He also had to walk a lot each day as Ba Thuoc is a mountainous region with narrow and uneven footpaths.

When Nicholas met the community’s children at their school, he learned that many of them had to drop out early to help their parents work, and there was a lack of awareness on the importance of education. Through awareness sessions, reading clubs, training for teachers, and other programmes, the pre-school enrolment rate reached 100% and the primary school dropout rate fell to 0% in 2017. Student interest in learning and results have also improved markedly.




Today, Nicholas’ sponsored child Thi Thuy is able to further her studies! She was just eight years old when Nicholas visited her. Enabled by child sponsorship, Thi Thuy is now taking hold of opportunities that she would not have had before.

Through the support of child sponsors like Nicholas Teo, the Ba Thuoc community has been equipped to continue building and maintaining a healthy community in a sustainable way, and most importantly, care for their children. Said Nicholas:


"Regardless of whether it takes 10 or 15 years, as long as we keep helping, I believe that their lives can change for the better. As an artiste, if I can influence others to do good, then I will keep doing my best to play this role."


When you look back in 10 years’ time, just like Nicholas Teo did, what impact would you like to have made for vulnerable children and communities? We hope that his sharing has inspired you by showing that you too can make a real and tangible difference. May hope drive you forward in this journey of helping those in need!

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