Seeing Firsthand, Love at Work!

Vision News , March-2020      4 min read

Last December, four World Vision 30-Hour Famine Advocates went on a study tour to Ba Thuoc, Vietnam. In the past, they had only heard about World Vision’s work at 30-Hour Famine DIY Camps and the Famine Countdown. This time, they saw firsthand how love and compassion helps a community flourish.




Eelynn, 25
Clinic Assistant


While we were in the community, we had to walk an hour to reach a household. We looked for a long time, but no one we approached had a toilet! We finally found one while visiting a family, but it was a basic open-air latrine. I just had to go for it. This experience made me understand the urgency of improving clean water and sanitation facilities! World Vision has done a lot of advocacy in Ba Thuoc. When people understand why change is necessary and important, and the benefits it can bring, they are more willing to take action and make changes for themselves and the community!




Penny, 31


I remember a woman in the community sharing that her family’s goats had increased from two to six in two years, and she needed help to expand her pen. After everyone found out, they set aside a day to resolve her need. We also attended a goat-giving ceremony, where a family that benefited from a goat-raising programme gave young goats to another family so that they could start a business. In my interactions, I learned that everyone can be a blessing to others. Even if you don't have much, as long as you focus on benefitting others and share the love, what could hinder you from helping someone?




Liang Chia, 26
Trainee Lawyer


Someone came and asked why I was working so hard; my life would be over soon because I have AIDS,’ said a woman named Hanh (pseudonym). I shuddered at this. How could anyone attack a person's will to live? Because of her illness, Hanh and her family were isolated and discriminated against. She lost her job and her children were excluded at school. After World Vision helped the community better understand HIV/AIDS, they accepted Hanh’s condition, and her children could return to normal life. Hanh is grateful that World Vision stepped in to help when she needed it most, reviving her hope and helping her move forward. Everyone can be an angel in the lives of others!




Joey, 22


In the community, I could see the people lacked resources and facilities, and their lack of nutritious food and nutrition knowledge had caused child malnutrition. But the community gained and improved their knowledge when World Vision came here. Helping the poor isn’t easy. There are many projects to develop, and some work can take a long time. But after seeing malnourished children on the path to good health, I’m convinced that if we focus and persevere, we will see improvements. Every bit of strength we can give will combine into a powerful force.

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