News & Stories

Deborah Henry & Marwa - Upholding Child Rights Together

Marwa is from Bent Jbail, Lebanon, and she has been sponsored by Deborah Henry, World Vision Malaysia Advocate for Child Protection, since she was six years old...


7 Ways Clean Water Fights Poverty

Have you noticed how many times you turn on the water faucet daily? How about how many cups of water you had today? Or how much washing you do in a day? These are just a few instances of how water is readily available and useful to us. While it’s something people in the developed world take for granted, clean drinking water is one of the world’s greatest needs. 


Former Sponsored Child Pays It Forward

After the Korean War in the 1950s, countless orphans and widows struggled to survive. Hungry children scavenged for food; mothers worked 15-hour days in factories or peddled wares on the street to make ends meet...


Seeing Firsthand, Love at Work!

Last December, four World Vision 30-Hour Famine Advocates went on a study tour to Ba Thuoc, Vietnam. In the past, they had only heard about World Vision’s work at 30-Hour Famine DIY Camps and the Famine Countdown. This time, they saw firsthand how love and compassion helps a community flourish...


What Gives Freda Liu Hope?

11 years ago in a village in Myanmar, seven-year-old Maw and her family were considered vulnerable. Their village lacked infrastructure and they were at risk for human trafficking, and contracting waterborne diseases like diarrhoea...


World Vision Welcomes You to Lanao Del Norte, Philippines!

In 2020, World Vision brings our Child Sponsorship Programme to a new community in the Philippines! We’re excited to introduce our newest Area Development Programme (ADP) – Lanao Del Norte, a rugged province in Northern Mindanao, with coastal shorelines in the north and high plateaus and mountains in the south...


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